

Create a Notion block

In this introductory codebase, start by learning the basics of Notion's Public API: creating a new block.

See sample code

Create a linked Notion block

Build on the previous example by creating a block in Notion and adding a link to it.

See sample code

Create a styled/linked Notion block

Extend the previous example further by styling a block of text that links to an external website.

See sample code

Get text from any type of block

This integration shows how to get a list of blocks from a Notion page and parse the text from any type of block.

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Create a Notion database

Create your first Notion database with a defined set of properties.

See sample code

Add new pages to a database

Build on the previous example by creating a database and adding new pages to it.

See sample code

Query pages in a database

Learn how to filter your database rows (pages) after creating them from scratch.

See sample code

Filter and sort database pages

Filter and sorts pages after adding them to a new database.

See sample code

Build a full-stack Notion integration

Learn how to build a Notion integration with an interactive front-end. This codebase is referenced in the Build your first integration guide.

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Sync Spotify Playlists with Notion

This integration populates a Notion database with track metadata from a Spotify playlist.

See guide here

Integrate Mailchimp Campaigns with Notion

This integration populates a Notion database with Mailchimp campaign information, including subscriber contact information.

See guide here

Log Strava Activity in Notion

This integration syncs a Strava athlete's activity metadata within a Notion database.

See guide here

Add rows (pages) to an existing database

This integration finds the first database that your bot has access to, and creates correctly-typed random rows of data.

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Sync Notion with GitHub issues

This Notion integration syncs GitHub Issues for a specific repo to a Notion database. This example shows a one-way sync — changes in GitHub cause an update in Notion.

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Send an email from a Notion trigger

This Notion integration sends an email whenever the Status property of a page in a database is updated. This sample shows how to use Notion to cause an external action. In this case, the integration sends emails using SendGrid's API.

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Sync Notion with GitHub PRs

This Notion integration updates Notion tasks when a linked Github PR is closed/merged. This integration requires the Notion task link be mentioned in the PR description.

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